Action Required: An Update to Your Medicaid Coverage

You should begin re-enrollment in Medicaid by April 30th, 2023 in order to continue with your treatment. Delays in re-enrollment may impact our ability to provide services. Please check with your Medicaid provider to learn more about the re-enrollment process and timeline.

At the start of the pandemic, Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). This Act included a requirement that Medicaid programs keep people continuously enrolled through the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, which the U.S. Government has officially declared will end beginning May 2023.

What does this mean for you?

This means that if you were automatically being re-enrolled in Medicaid, you will now have to actively re-enroll yourself in order to keep receiving coverage.

How do you review your status?

The below links will provide you with details on your state-specific steps to review your enrollment:

Read the resource page on unwinding and returning to regular operations after COVID-19.

For further assistance, to speak with one of our Care Coordinators please call (888) 905-2017.